
Its a sort of motley crew cuts. Like in the Paris Eye Full tower shot of the seedy grampy and his kids lookiing icky. There’s the easy going marmaladian biker chap. The pipe smoking, bass wielding, faux blind society sportin lead singer. And some other random in and out types that seem to get along just fine with Trev Penn’s pure brew of GUNK N ROLL period. Gunk n Roll kings from New Brunswick, NJ…. Since 2003, they’ve released numerous handmade tapes and cd-rs on their own DIHD label, as well as Phase! Records and Bone Tooth Horn….and they have played countless shows alongside tons of amazing bands like… The Usaisamonster, Lazy Magnet, Byron House, King Darves (who has also contributed drums for HAB), Blues Control, Ducktails, Mouthus, Panopticon Eyelids, Drums Like Machine Guns, Car Commercials, Blastocyst, Earth Crown, Slasher Risk ….just to name a few… This is a 4 song one-sided vinyl EP limited to 250 copies -Scumbag

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