16,56 $

No Way Black

SKU: lamour008vin

In the northern parts of Norway, a place where the sun either never sets or never rises, time and landscapes and sound are static things, that changes too slow for anyone to notice. During the endless summer sun of 2013, the drones and musical landscapes of No Way Black was recorded. A record with slowly evolving music, from almost nothing to walls of sound.
Even though being drony, repetitious and even minimalistic at points, the record have room for a lot of energy and spontaneousness. Energy that is slowly released into the tracks, maybe even without the listener realizing it before its over.

SAW is a duo consisting of Tomas Järmyr on percussion and Eirik Havnes on guitar, electronics and amplified circular saw-blades. They are both based in Trondheim, and have marked themselves within the experimental music scene for many years. Järmyr through a huge amount of bands and collabs, including Yodok, Sunswitch, Doffs Poi, ESP and duos with Kenneth Kapstad and Eldbjørg Raknes, amoung other. Havnes through numerous avant-garde concert series, sound art installations, music for deaf people and 50 hour long improvised concerts. -Lamour

Limited to 500 copies.

SKU: lamour008vin Category: Brand: